Ugh, resolutions… amiright? They rarely work to make the life changing shifts we want for the New Year, let alone for the rest of our lives. So.Much.Pressure.
Could I be any more bright eyed, and well… bushy?
In 1983, I reinvented myself. Or, rather, I reinvented my look. And that felt huge.
I was 19. A sophomore at the University of New Mexico. And to be honest, I was fucking around, trying to figure out life, working at a men’s clothing store in the mall.
As a freshman, I’d been holding onto my high school identity. But now as a sophomore, I recognized that my life was completely different. And it was time for my identity to catch up.
So one day I went from shoulder length locks to super-short hair--the back and sides were shaved within a quarter-inch of my scalp. It was part Billy Idol, part art by Patrick Nagel. Every morning, I’d spike it up with Stiff Stuff, an incredibly foul-smelling, but very effective hair product.
A little grown out, but you get the jist.
It was really different, but I knew I was stepping into something bold. Something edgy. And sophisticated.
I think prior to the haircut, I may have been insecure about my look or my style. Even my beauty. But after that reinvention, I started to feel seen. Truly pretty.
As women, ebbing and flowing through different phases of our lives, we get stuck. We ignore the whispers in our heart. We forget the women we used to be. And sometimes we need to reinvent ourselves. Start fresh.
Some fun ways to reinvent:
♥ Get a piercing. There are lots of options these days. Your nose. Your lip. Your upper ear. Your lower ear. Just a diamond stud can be elegant and beautiful. The best part? You can always take it out and let it close up.
♥ Get a tattoo. Maybe the acacia tree gives you strength. Maybe the wolf is your spirit animal. Perhaps there’s a quote you never want to forget. I was never a tattoo person. But I got my first one last year. It’s just one little green word on my wrist. “receive”. What message are you dying to express?
♥ Hire a stylist. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Or life-changing. But it’s a great kickstart to reinvention. An outside perspective can help unearth old parts of our personality. Let them take you shopping, clean out your closet. I guarantee, a spark will be lit.
♥ Highlight your hair. Go blonde. Go black. Go purple. Just go with it. It will fade and wash out eventually and you won’t regret the journey to reinvention.
♥ And. Shameless self-promotion. Let’s face it, hiring me for a portrait session is a great place to start if you’re seeking to see yourself in a new light. I’ve had more than one client say that they found a part of themselves that was screaming to be released. It’s why I ♥ what I do!
Whatever you choose, change takes courage.
Just remember, almost nothing is permanent. And your first attempt at reinvention may not even be the final thing. But consider it a stepping stone toward your freedom. Chip away at your change. Embrace that beautiful self hidden within. Do it for YOU.